Some people may think that it is easy living as a transgender. They are wrong. It is hard to live in this society if you are gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender, cross-dresser, or even wear something that other people don't like or understand. We all need to understand that this is all not something that just started over night or even the last hundred years. We have been around since before Jesus was born. It is time that everyone shows tolerance or stop expecting it.

When people are in public, they don't always expect to see a man dressed as a woman or a woman dressed as a man. Truth is, most often, it is even recognized at first glance; if it is noticed at all. Even I get confused and have a hard time telling the difference. Of course, I don't go looking for it and stare at people either. Some of things people really don't like to see is a transwoman using the woman's restrooms or holding a baby. They frown on a transwoman more than they do a transman. Most of the time when they see a woman with short hair, they think "tomboy" and move on. The moment they find out the truth, they may freak out but not as bad as they do when they see a transwoman. A lot of times the person is called a pervert. It is very hurtful and disrespectful. There are more perverts in a priest outfit than in woman's clothes.

To anyone reading this, I advise being respectful in everything you do and say in these matters. It really hurts to be the one who is dealing with the lack of understanding and disrespect that is shown. I am sure that straight people don't want a group of gay men and lesbians to go out killing them just because they are straight, like they are a disease. Respect works both ways; at home, school, the store, work and even on the internet.
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